Material cost reduction
Do you want to sustainably reduce material costs across the entire spectrum, independently of individual machines and systems? Are you looking for alternative suppliers to ensure availability?
We support their purchasing - both for production parts and for purchased parts. In addition to reducing manufacturing costs, our customers also have other reasons for our support, such as building up second source, localising procurement in best-cost counties, building up suitable suppliers in Europe to complement Asian suppliers, etc.
In the projects, we carry out consistent monitoring of the savings progress so that you always know which savings have already been achieved and whether they are already having an effect on results.
Production parts
Our motto for production parts is: The right part for the right supplier! This means that the requirements of your components in terms of materials, tolerances, surfaces and quantities match the technical and logistical possibilities of the suppliers. Since we work for the machine tool industry, we know the latest machines and technologies as well as the possibilities for automation.
Zu Beginn analysieren wir Ihre Bauteile und clustern sie zu Teilefamilien entsprechend der Anforderungen. Eine Teilefamilie besteht aus Bauteilen mit vergleichbaren Anforderungen die ein Lieferant üblicherweise abdecken kann. Bei der Analyse bewerten und hinterfragen wir auch die Anforderungen hinsichtlich Toleranzen und Oberflächenanforderungen und koordinieren die Zeichnungsoptimierung. Zudem führen wir Best-Case-Kalkulationen zur Ermittlung optimaler Preise für ausgewählte Bauteile aus Ihren Teilefamilien durch, um Ihr aktuelles Preisniveau zu bewerten. Dadurch können wir uns bei Ausschreibungen auf die Teilefamilien mit dem größten Potenzial konzentrieren. Wir identifizieren die passenden Lieferanten und fragen zunächst einige Referenzbauteile der Teilefamilien an. The offers are evaluated and we then support you in implementing the supplier changeover.
Purchased parts
In the case of purchased parts, the purchasing department in mechanical and plant engineering is often given both the supplier and the specific component by the technology. Purchasing then has little leverage in price negotiations.
We therefore follow a different path and first develop manufacturer-neutral specifications for the purchased parts with the technology department. In the specifications, the required properties, installation space and standards to be complied with, etc. of the purchased part are summarised and classified according to requirements and wishes. On the basis of the specifications, we identify possible suppliers and request the purchased parts. As a result, we receive a broad comparison of offers, which is evaluated together with your engineering and purchasing departments. We then implement the most economical offer, whereby we also accompany the conversion process - from the initial sample and internal or external tests to changes to the parts list and the series order.